Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Are we dumb and getting dumber?

Time was once either you knew something, or you didn't. Ask my mum who was King or Queen of England in 1640 or how to spell 'inconsequential', she will know...why? Because when she was taught you had to remember.

These days, with calculators, predictive text and spell checkers, it's not so important, in fact my education which was also based around the 'you had to know' ethos, is rapidly being eroded by new technologies. Now if I need to know something, Google tells me; do I remember what it tells me? Probably not...I'll just ask google next time I need to know. Where will this go? In ten years time will we know anything? o
Or will we just use the imbedded Google search panel in our hands.

Theres no stopping this degradation of intelligence as, thanks to mobile phones, I haven't known anyones phone number since 1999 so I'm as guilty as the rest. (Strange that I still know all my friends numbers from when I was 11 though)

Dumb and getting dumber? definitely

(oh and it was Charles the first apparently, Google told me in 0.46 seconds, my Mums good, but not that good!)