Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Take a moment to remember the normos...

Recently I have been busy working on a supply chain modelling problem for a large but declining industry. It has been interesting but full of difficult challenges on the geospatial side, but it has been nice to solve problems that the database guys couldn't. One of my personal highlights during the project was I produced some 3D KML files representing various modelled data eg customer density, sales volumes and cost. I just did it for fun as it was easy.

Little did I know the reaction it would get from the entire Consultancy dept I have been working with. I casually strolled down to their floor as I quickly discovered that what I took for granted...how to use Google Earth...was not obvious to all. By the time I got there half the department was crowded round one laptop like a bunch of school kids with a new video game...totally blown away*. So mental note to myself...must remember that people are still wowed by maps no matter how simple...simple yet effective.


* all but one....One lady looked at it and said she couldn't see what it offered and that it could all be done in a bar chart in excel...she quickly moved away on seeing my reaction


Thursday, 11 August 2011

Bushfire Risk

Recently I have mostly been looking at geospatial risk in Australia with regards to Business Continuity Management....such as Bushfire risk and how to quantify it...

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Software Review - Cadcorp 7.1

I was recently asked to review Cadcorp's latest software release 7.1, which was subsequently published in Geoconnexion magazine. The most notable change in the software is the bold change to an interface based upon Microsoft's Fluent interface as can be seen below.
Cadcorp 7.1 Review

Monday, 14 March 2011

Japan earthquake map

KDE map of the japanese earthquake and aftershocks. No analysis, just an interesting map made using Cadcorp SIS.

Sunday, 13 February 2011